This is a simple card game that I made in a few days, the idea is what kind of card game that I'd make if I can design an RPG card minigame. The idea is simple, you play against an opponent drawing from the same deck of cards. Each cards resemble an element: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air and a number as their power. Fire beats Earth, Earth beats Air, Air beats Water, and Water beats Fire. If the winner can't be decided from just the elements, then the game will compare the card's power, with the higher power wins.

I consider the game as done, but I'm not an artist so I can only use stock arts or simple arts I made myself. Sadly, there's no stock arts that fits with my card game idea, so these simple arts will have to do.

One thing that I didn't realize when designing the game is that the gameplay is purely random, since you can't tell what card the opponent will play. I was expecting something more strategic or intense fight than just randomly play a card and then hopes your element or power wins. Well, I guess I need to design something else and make that my next game maybe.

If you guys have any suggestions or comments, feel free to leave them in the comment section.

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